Sunday, 3 August 2014

What to do with 4kg of Raspberries

The other day my brother and I had the great idea to go raspberry picking. We thought we would just pop by, get only a few and then leave again but that definitely didn't happen. We ended up with more than 4kg, super full tummies (while picking you could eat as many as you wanted) and with no idea what to do with so many raspberries. 


We literally ate raspberries the whole time the last week and we had to get imaginative in order to incorporate them in our meals and finish them all before they get bad.

I ate it on top of my yogurt for breakfast, we made little tarts (soooo delicious), we obviously ate them at its own and every time we opened the fridge we stole a few "as a snack". We even made ice cream!

Recipe for the ice cream: 

Mix 1kg of raspberries with the white of 6 eggs and add 600 grams of powdered sugar. You have to mix everything thoroughly until the consistency is a light and fluffy cream. So easy! 

For now I am done with raspberries, I have eaten too many in the last week and can't even see them... 

That's it for today's post, I hope you are all doing well :)

Lots of kisses,



  1. You should've sent me some! I'll try the ice-cream out the next time that I find cheap ones. xx soff

    1. aaw i miss you :( have fun in new york, we have to Skype when you're back home! gran dos semanas contigo <3

  2. These are great recipe ideas Miriam! I'm loving raspberries in any form, even their name!!! :D

    1. they are amaziiing :D I'm always so happy when it's finally "raspberry-time"
