Sunday, 20 July 2014

The Liebster Award

First of all, I have to thank Diana from Cups&Roses for the nomination, which is sooo lovely because it's my first award ever. She is super lovely and has great content, so you should definitely check out her blog!

Now onto the rules: 

1. Post the award on your blog
2. Thank the blogger who presented the award and link back 
    to their blog
3. Answer the 11 questions posted by the presenter and ask   
    11 new ones for your nominees to answer
4. Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserve this award 
    and who have less than 1100 followers (it's all about the 
   11, guys)
5. Let the nominees know you have nominated them

These are the questions Diana asked:

1. Where were you last year and where do you see yourself one year from now?
Last year I was in Munich (Germany) doing an internship and I had an amazing time there! In one year I am hopefully in France surfing while earning some money (like a summer job)

2. Which was the best year of your life till now and why?
I think the last year has been pretty good, even though I had to study like crazy (I just finished school). I met amazing new people, traveled a lot and I achieved many things I've been working hard for.

3. What is the biggest virtue blogging has taught you so far?
It definitely teaches me how to stick onto something. In many other occasions I started something and never continued it (hello tumblr blog, I'm talking about you), but this is changing now.

4. Art or science?
If putting make up on your face is considered art (I doubt it), then art. But I'm actually quite into biology and geography...

5. Do you have any hobbies?
A lot actually. One of them is obviously this blog and everything beauty and fashion related. I am also really passionate about a healthy lifestyle and food and I love sports (specially surfing, skiing, Hockey and dancing). 

6. Which is your favourite movie?
That's such a complicated question... It's like having to decide which child is your favourite. But recently I have been loving Crazy, Stupid, Love and I'll always be fan Nb.1 of the Harry Potter movies. 

7. Which is your favourite colour?
I am totally on a mint green trip right now, nearly everything I buy is in that colour! 

8. Which is your favourite fragrance?
Fun fact: I love mens perfumes. My favourite (which I actually own and always get complimented on when I'm wearing it) is the Hollister So Cal Cologne.

9. Eye shadow or lipstick?
Without any doubt lipstick!! 

10. Which is your favourite holiday destination?
Anywhere where there's a beach, actually. I love Italy, Greece, Portugal and obviously the spanish beaches. Whenever I am near the sea I really feel like summer has officially started.

11. How do you imagine your dream house?
Hmm, that's a tough question... On one hand I would love to live right in the center of a big city (ejem, New York) in a beautiful loft, but on the other hand I imagine myself in a cute little house with a garden. 

And these are my questions: 

1. What's your biggest fear?
2. One life-changing makeup tip?
3. What's your most unhealthy habit?
4. How many lipsticks do you own?
5. If you could only use one foundation for the rest of your life, which one would it be?
6. Are you happy right now?
7. Most recent book you read and would you recommend it?
8. Which was your best holiday ever?
9. Are you organised or rather chaotic? 
10. What's one thing you want to achieve in the nearer future?
11. What's your favourite part about your makeup or skincare routine?

My nominations are... 

1. Maddie from Qworterlifecrisis
2. Randle from Crandlecakes
3. Emma from Emmehurr 
4. Eleanor from Elesaurusrawr
5. Sabrina from Sabrinaharriet  
6. Camille from Cococami 
7. Emilia from Emiliashea 
8. Thevainasylum, because I want her to start blogging again
9. Claudia from Claudiarose   
10. Lauren from Laurenswardrobe  
11. Kelly-Louise from Fancysince1992

I hope you enjoy doing this, I love all of your blogs!

I hope you all have an amazing day, lots of kisses



  1. You're welcome Miriam!!! Thank you for your lovely words! I love that blue version of Liebster Award and I'm so happy you answered my questions, you are the first one! I like Crazy Stupid Love too! <3

    1. Me too, I thought it would go better with my blog style because everything is in this shade :D glad you liked it!

  2. Thanks so much for nominating me, Miriam! And I'm so glad you nominated The Vain Asylum because I want her to start blogging again too. :) Loved reading your answers - Munich and surfing in France both sound pretty awesome.

    1. You are welcome, love your blog (as you already know :D) riight? I hope she sees her nomination and starts again!

  3. High five cos I like mens perfume too for some weird reason :P
    Great blog ♥


    1. I know, it's weird but oh my they smell goood. Thanks for stepping by :D

  4. Hi Miriam! Thank you so much for the nomination. I fully intend to start posting again, and soon, so thank you for the encouragement :) I didn't plan to take a break, it just kind of happened. I really enjoyed reading your answers and learning a bit more about you!

    1. You're welcome :D yay, I'm glad to hear that xx

  5. Thank you sooooo much Diana! You just made me smile like crazy. Of course I will check out your blog xx
